Professor Drew Dawson writes a tongue in cheek article about how easy it can be for companies to fail at Fatigue Risk Management (without even trying).
Q&A Series with Professor Drew Dawson PhD,
Fatigue Research Expert
Understand fatigue whilst meeting our co-collaborator, Professor Drew Dawson. In this digital series we chat to Professor Dawson to understand all things fatigue management, innovation and practical steps.
Question 1
How would you help a fatigue assessment manager who thinks they are doing what is needed, but in fact is not meeting the standard basic requirements?
Question 2
What tools do you suggest to help employees be fit for duty; that is begin work without being fatigued?
Question 3
What are the latest trends in Fatigue Detection technology?
Question 4
How would you advise an organisation that knows a particular roster is 'fatiguing', but cannot alter it due to contractual obligations.
Question 5
In organisations that run a 'lean' workforce what options are available to managers when dealing with a fatigued workforce?
Tip Sheets
We know that fatigue affects multiple industries and workplaces in different ways, and that the dangers are real. To ensure that Fatiguefit Solutions is helping wherever we can, we want to share our basic fatigue management tips for your application.
Download our practical guides to help you get the most out of your opportunity for Rest and Recovery, and importantly avoid workplace burnout.
The Top 8 Reasons You Don't Wake Up Refreshed
Tips for Shift-Workers
Tips for Healthy Sleep
Media Releases
We’re extremely proud of Fatiguefit Solutions, and at our core we want to help as many people and businesses manage fatigue risk - so the wider our message goes the more we can help.
Please check out our recent media coverage, and get in touch if you would be interested in working with us.